Sew in Weave Non Damaging to your hair.
What we do: Hair RevitalizationWe are accepting new clients who wish achieve healthier hair with the help of protective styling - hair weaves. We are most concerned with the health of your hair first, then the style. When you come in for a consultation, we will assess your hair to see what you may need during your Healthy Hair Makeover. We will also let you know if we feel that you are not a good candidate for a weave as well. Not everyone's hair is suitable for a weave. Let us know your budget? KiaStyles is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a variety of offerings to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us Learn more Call 678-663-5298 ask 4 Kia.
View Our Sew-in hair weave and hair-extension and much much more Full Service Menu
We hope you can find everything you need. KiaStyles is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a variety of Non Damaging Hair Extensions to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.
We hope you can find everything you need. KiaStyles is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a variety of Non Damaging Hair Extensions to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.
Follow @allthatnmore
BUTTER LONDON HAUL 4 REVIEWS With pics: #1 All Hail the Queen
I saw the All Hail the Queen polish on Pinterest and fell in love so I ended up that and went on a rampage buying the others as well lol. Each is about $14, not as bad if you compare to other high end polish like Lancome or Chanel.
It really meets my expectation thus far from an outward appearance. The pigments even looks stunning in the bottle. So here's the review for the 1st polish:
One thing I love about this polish is the color which is a very light chocolate milk or latte tint, and what made me buy it was the very very tiny hint of sparkles.
I don't know how they do it, but the golden sparkles were grind and mixed in flawlessly to create an elegant effect instead of a childish sparkle polish. It shimmers well in the light and makes you feel like you're wearing diamond embedded polish
1) Application: 5* (very easy to apply, no streaking, and not thick at all like most sparkly polish)
2) Color: 5* (exactly had I expected when I first saw it online, no disappointment whatsoever)
3) Price: $14 More costly than OPI and Essie, but well worth it for the color
4) Where can you get this? Nordstrom,, Ulta, Amazon,
CONS: I really don't like their cap design, As you can see, every time you polish you have to lift off the square cap to get to the real one. Why they didn't just make it as the main cap? maybe for cosmetic reasons? who knows. But it gets really annoying to me when I'm trying to polish my own nails and after I get the base coat on, I have to try to open this cap TWICE since I don't want to dry out the polish by pre-opening it before I apply the base coat.
Anyhoo aside from the annoyance with the cap, I'm very pleased with how this polish turned out. I'll edit this log again at the end of this week to let you know how long the polish lasts for me ^_^.
1 week later....
* The polish lasts till Wednesday for me then it began chipping which is about 3 days after I polished it, maybe it's because of the base coat? So I bought a new base coat this week, maybe that'll work better. Check out the latest review on Butter London for further details.
Cute bobs, Curly hair, Braids, updos PICTURE TUTORIAL DIY how to #6
Last one of the Hairstyles marathon week :p. Just got home and super tired & hungry!
A little of next week preview, I just went on a craze this week and ordered $40 of nail polish, an it's only 4 bottles of them. I think that's the most I've spent on polish thus far for only 4 bottles, I don't know about you but for a college student's budget that's a lot!
Anyhow, it's the "Butter London" polish that a lot of designers are using for their runway models, and particularly one caught my eyes were the "All Hail The Queen" color which is a beige nude pigment embedded with tiny sparkles, absolute gorgeous. Soooo... Since I'll be painting my nails a different polish each week, I'll start with that one on Monday & just do a review on it as well.
Btw I'm a nail tech as a part time so my nails aren't really in the best shape, odd I know, it's probably because I work on so many of other peoples nails that I don't actually take care of my own which is why I mask them with pretty polish each week until I have to work again in the weekends ^_^. hee.
Cara membuat kontent unik, original, update dan berkualitas
Setelah google meluncurkan alogaritma baru yang lebih dikenal dengan Google Panda maka banyak situs situs yang tidak mutu yang terdegradasi dari search engine. Ada situs yang dibanned ERP nya ada yang di deindex dan ada yang di banned acount adsense nya. Banyak publisher yang tiba tiba jatuh mlarat karena visitornya dari ratusan ribu menjadi hilang dari search engine. Situs situs yang tidak berkualitas seperti situs copy paste, auto generate content atau situs terjemahan langsung dibabat habis oleh Panda. Lalu seperti apa situs yang disukai Google Panda? Bagaimana cara membuat content yang unik, content yang update, dan bagaimana cara membuat content yang berkualitas. Berikut ini beberapa tips cara membuat kontent unik, original, update dan berkualitas yang saya amabil dari forum di Adsense ID.Kenapa harus unik dan berkualitassupaya tercipta korelasi yang baik antara:- Penayang (publisher)- Pengiklan (advertiser)- Pengguna (user)Resiko duplikasi konten- Keseimbangan ekosistem rusak (ekosistem website)1. Kepercayaan pengguna terhadap hasil penelusuran google menurun, user lebih bergantung pada situs-situs tertentu yang sudah terkenal.2. Pengiklan mengurangi investasi di jaringan iklan google.3. Merugikan penayang adsense dan google.Pelanggaran kebijakan1. Penayangan iklan di non-aktifkan pada laman tertentu2. Akun adsense di non-aktifkan- Tuntutan hukum. (DMCA)Contoh jenis kontek unik- Konten produk dan harga kompetitif yang tidak dapat ditemukan di tempat lain.- Informasi yang membantu pengguna untuk membandingkan produk sebelum membeli- Alat-alat orisinil dan berguna untuk membantu pengunjung mengambil keputusan, mengkonfigurasi produk, dll.- Ulasan produk orisinil dari ahli atau pengguna lainnnya (bukan kopian dari situs/publikasi lain).- Dan lain-lain.Contoh kontek tidak unik- Konten hasil kopian- Konten yang dihasilkan secara otomatis (auto-generated)- Konten yang hanya diterjemahkan.- Penulisan ulang dari media fisik (koran/majalah/tabloid).- Membingkai konten orang lain. (iframes)- Program afiliasi dengan sedikit konten unik.- Dan lain-lain.Keuntungan konten unik- Mudah diingat oleh pengguna, membuat basis pengunjung yang tetap (e.g: detik, kompas)- Konten yang unik dan berkualitas biasanya diincar langsung oleh pengiklan (e.g: iklan TV di acara prime time)- Akun tetap bersih, tidak ada resiko pelanggaran kebijakan dan resiko hilang pendapatan.Contoh situs dengan konten unik- dll.Yang harus diingat- Buatlah situs yang berguna dan penuh dengan informasi- Ketika membuat situs, anggap seolah-olah tidak ada mesin penelusuran. Kesetiaan pengunjung juga mendukung baik hasilnya penelusuran.- Apabila menggunakan program afiliasi. Pastikan anda memberikan nilai tambah dan membuat konten yang unik.Keadaan ideal:Penayang menyediakan konten unik dan berkualitas. Layanan yang memberikan nilai tambah nyata.Pengguna mulai menggunakan penelusuran google. Mengunjungi berbagai situs berkualitas dengan adsense.Pengguna nyaman dengan iklan yang ditampilkan di laman-laman berkualitas.Klik meningkat.Pelanggaran kebijakan berkurang, pengiklan lebih percaya diri dalam berinvestasi di jaringan iklan adsense, perlahan meningkatkan anggaran iklan.Pengiklan mulai mengincar situs-situs individual berkualitas dengan konten atau layanan yang sesuai dengan mdrek dan produk merekaPendapatan penayang terus meningkat, akun adsense sehat.Kesimpulan-Google selalu ingin pengguna mendapatkan jawaban terbaik dari penelusuran di google.- Dengan konten yang unik dan berkualitas, penayang dapat membuat model bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan stabil.- Resiko duplikasi konten, contoh konten unik dan tidak unik.- Yang perlu diingat ketika membuat situs.- Dengan konten unik dan berkualitas, pendapatan penanyang akan terus bertambah.Yang diinginkan pengguna- Konten yang menjawab hasil penelurusan- Konten yang berkualitas- Konten yang tidak ada di tempat lain- Memberikan nilai tambah untuk penggunaSemoga tulisan ini berguna dan kita bisa menjadi Publisher yang baik yang disukai Ohm Google panda.
Cute bobs, Curly hair, Braids, updos PICTURE TUTORIAL DIY how to #2
It's exams week for me yuck. But here's the 2nd set of the picture tutorial marathon, in other words I don't have much time to blog so I can only provide picture tutorials for now ;-p.
Click on the picture for a bigger view in another tab.
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