SIMPLE Hair BOWS Picture Tutorial DIY!!!


~ cut about a 6" long strips according to how big you would like the bow to be and about 1" wide
~cut pointed tips on the ends
~ Make a small slit near the ends as shown 
~then pull the other ends through the slit but not all the way leaving about enough length for the bow as shown in #5
~ cut out a smaller strip with the same width to secure the middle portion of the bow
~Secure with hot glue
~ then you can attach bobby pins or a small hair clip to the back

This is the finish product

Style #2:
~ Cut a hot dog bun shape about 5" long and 3" wide as shown
~ but a smaller thin strip
~ pinch the middle of the larger strip 

~Use hot glue to secure the middle of the larger strip and more hot glue to tie it with the smaller strip