Bronzed SUN KISSED tan Skin MAKEUP DIY Asian Smokey eyes How to Transformation

Apply concealer, foundation.

Then apply non-shimmer bronzer or a darker foundation across your whole face and neck.

Apply your choice of contacts or these cute heart ones!

Apply liquid liner starting from the middle of your lids and extending upwards towards the outer corners. 

Apply the lightest brown shadow along your entire lid. 

Layer with the darker brown shadow, then lastly overlay it with black shadow closest to your lash line spreading upwards
Sweep the shadow underneath your lid to contour your eyes. 

Apply liquid liner along your lash line bordering your entire eyes. 

She already applied false lashes awhile ago, but this is a good time to apply your falsies...

Apply mascarra to your upper and lower lashes

Finish image of your eyes. 

She's highlighting her face with areas that she wants to protrude or appear higher such as her chin, forehead, and you can even apply some on the top ridge of your nose. 

then she's contouring her face making the areas that she wants to appear narrower or recede. Such as the sides of her nose so that her nose will appear higher. You can also apply some along your jawline to create a more oval face line. 

As you can see her nose appear higher, but for me I think she applied a little too much for a natural look, this might look good in pictures but will look way too dramatic if worn out. Also applying too dark of a bronzer will make you appear like you have a unibrow...something you really don't want!

To contrast the dark eye makeup, choose a light lipstick, either light pink or nude.

Then wear a wig if you like to make a complete transformation which is what she did & you're ready for a day out!

of Taobao