PINK GLITTER textured Hawaiian Aloha FLOWERS NAILS pink Tips DIY


Apply base coat
~ get a small sponge and apply polish on it, press the sponge on the tips of your nails to create textured pink color on the tip of your nails

Apply as many coat as you prefer with the sponge until you think it's pink enough. 
~ Now use the other side of the sponge and apply glitter polish on the edges
~ Do the same as with the pink polish, and making sure the pink polish is dry, then lightly apply the glitter with the sponge
MAKE 5 DOTS WITH WHITE POLISH, then USE TOOTHPICKS TO SPREAD OUT THE ENDS and middle to create a Hawaiian inspired flower.

Apply a nice clear gemstone in the middle of the flower to be the pollen. 

Then apply topcoat to keep everything in place.